Shooting the Breeze: Fixed
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Shooting the Breeze: Fixed

Oct 11, 2023

Dale Valade

This coyote was taken at nearly 300 yards on the go with a rifle having a fixed 4x scope.

Dad always told me that one "can only shoot as good as they can see." All else being equal, you should be able to shoot more accurately with greater magnification. All, however is not equal.

Some believe that any optic sight with a top-end magnification of less than 24x is only suitable for muzzleloaders and slingshots. It was a general rule for years that 1x per 100 yards was needed with a scope sight. By that theory a 2x scope was good for out to 200 yards, a 6x scope to 600 yards and so on.

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Dale Valade is a local freelance writer with a love for the outdoors, handloading, hunting and shooting.

Dale Valade

I do not remember the first shot I ever fired. But my parents do. Having seen the importance of exposing me to firearms at a young age, they e…

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